Tiberiu Alexandru Dekany, Marius Muntean, Diana Marin, Loredana Văduva, Ioan Petroman


The performances achieved by the sow exploitation units for the production of piglets are given by the technologies implemented on the technological flow and by the best management implemented, on each sequence of the sow exploitation systems in different physiological stages. The managerial measures implemented in the gestation sector, were meant to improve the economic results of the operation, being quantified by higher reproduction indices obtained. In order to ensure the welfare and maintenance of pregnant sows in conditions of economic efficiency, investments are needed to ensure the microclimate factors, and the space necessary for maintenance in common boxes to improve the technological management. The use of feeding models with optimal minimum or maximum feed administered daily, contributes to the reduction of embryonic mortality and increased prolificacy, the differences being statistically significant (test t) at a significance threshold p˂0.05. By feeding pregnant sows daily or once every two days by doubling the amount, the longer period between feeds did not have a negative influence on the fecundity, prolificacy and uniformity of the piglets in calving and the duration of gestation.


management; operating systems; sows; gestation

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Copyright (c) 2021 DEKANY TIBERIU ALEXANDRU, Ioan Petroman, Diana Marin, Loredana Vaduva, Ioan Petroman

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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