Agrotourism well-managed through practice protocols concluded between farmers and faculties can become an educational tool for faculty students by acquiring practical skills in traditional rural techniques, of production, processing and preserving agricultural products, preserving the soil and preserving floral biodiversity and fauna. Direct experience in agrotourist farms, in order to develop technical skills, does not always mean performing a practical activity, but also assisting in activities that have as purpose the awareness that nature must be protected. For these reasons, educational agrotourism combined with niche tourism can be developed as a basic component of a business model that supports faculties in practicing the field practice, agricultural entities to promote their activities by establishing applicative farms. Educational agrotourism well managed through productive practice programs can become a scientific tourism that contributes to the practical education of students preparing for tourism, biological, agricultural, forestry, horticultural, agro-alimentary, business as well as those from other profiles.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Ionut Ristea, Ana Gina Trica, Ioan Florin Taut, Diana Marin, Cornelia Petroman, Ioan Petroman
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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
(former ISSN 1453-1410, E-ISSN 2069-2307)
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