Understanding the complexity of the interactions between the natural and human systems is essential both for welfare of mankind and the sustainability of natural resources. An important component of this system is represented by agro-ecosystems which cover, at global level, a large part of the total area and comprise an important part of the ecosystems, being associated with different services (provisioning, regulating, supporting, cultural services). The present paper aims to identify the main types of agro-ecosystems from areas characterized by a high aridity tendency, in territorial profile and it is based on several studies undertaken in Braila County within a rural area composed of four communities representative for the dominant agricultural model. The dominant agro-ecosystem identified at the level of the investigated area is one with a strong agricultural character, being oriented towards obtaining high average yields, based on a relatively small number of crops, chosen mainly due to economic, profitability reasons. The study turns to quantitative analysis of statistical data and data obtained through questionnaires applied to agricultural producers from the investigated rural area, selected during several study tours, data that was processed using designated software for this purpose.
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