Bleisure (from business and leisure) is a new trend in tourism in which people link their business travel with leisure travel. (more exactly, with leisure elements). Bleisure travel can be pre-planned (clients schedule their vacation within the same period of a job-related trip once the work engagements-exchanges of experience, meetings, professional conferences, training sessions-are over) or some tourist experiences may be offered by companies during the job-related trips. Bleisure is a growing trend among “digital nomads”/millennials (freelancers, online workers) due to facilities as accommodation, chargers, and wi-fi on buses.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Văduva Loredana, Mihaela Albulescu, Diana Marin, Cornelia Petroman, Daniela Vălușescu, Ioan Petroman

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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