The concept of circular economy (CE) has become a widely debated one both amidst academics and in the ranks of practitioners and policy-makers. It is being promoted as an alternative to today economics as it focuses on the reduction of waste and on a rational and well-balanced use of natural resources. This is of interest as we are dealing at the European level with the concept of green transition (GT) that would affect also the agriculture. The purpose of this paper is to show the challenges at the national level on the how the GT and the CE would impact the national agriculture. Of interest also is to analyze how to use the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in order to support this transition. The paper would analyze the key relevant papers on CE and GT as well as the peculiarities of the Romanian agriculture. The purpose would be to present the current situation and the tools and policy solutions that can be adopted for implementing the concept of CE in the Romanian agriculture as well as the role that the CAP have in this process.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Aurelia Ioana Chereji, Irina Chiurciu, Cristina Maria Maerescu, Daniela Tutui, Ioan jr. Chereji

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
(former ISSN 1453-1410, E-ISSN 2069-2307)
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