Alexandra Trif, Ioana Cristina Țîrlea, Larisa Chelu, Cornelia Petroman, Ioan Petroman


The use of the tram for tourist purposes, for the promotion of resources with vocation in the big urban agglomerations can be a means of promoting their origin, because it gives them the possibility to contemplate them, due to the reduced speed of the transport means and the possibility to make the route walking too between stations without too much effort for tourists. The use of vintage tram, in their turn cultural-historical resources, may arouse the interest for knowing the art nouveau route proposed by us, besides the cultural tourists who visit the city for cultural or business purposes and for the citizens traveling in the area between the Holy Gheorghe Square from the old City district and the Fabric district, Traian Square on the old trolley route introduced in Timisoara in 1869, using this urban means of transport. The buildings, true palaces depending on the financial power of the sponsors, located on the route are noted through the phytomorphic, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic decorations of metal, glass, ceramics, apparent brick, the plaster that imitates the specific stone of the beginning of the 20th century in the municipality of Timisoara.


Timisoara; transport; tramway; travel; art nouveau

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Copyright (c) 2019 Alexandra Trif, Ioana Cristina Țîrlea, Larisa Chelu, Cornelia Petroman, Ioan Petroman

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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