Simona Alice Man, Ioan Csosz, Simona Cristina Constantinescu


Agriculture plays an important role in Romania, reported to the size of the rural population and to the level of employment. About 45.7% of the Romanian population lives in rural areas, compared to about 23.6% in the EU member states. About 30% from the population is engaged in agriculture, compared to about 2% in the old Member States (EU-15) and 3-14% in the new Member States (EU-8). The EU is making efforts to ensure that its food standards do not lead to the removal of traditional products from the market, do not stop the innovation or affect the quality. The quality and food safety is based on the efforts of all those involved in the complex chain that includes agricultural production, processing, transport and consumption. According to the European Union and the World Health Organization - food safety is a responsibility of everyone, from their origin up to the moment they reach the table. In order to maintain the quality and safety of food along the chain, both procedures are needed to ensure that food is integrated, as well as monitoring procedures to ensure that operations are carried out in good condition. The food safety policy of the EU takes into account the whole chain of food, designated for animal or human consumption. It provides extensive regulation and emphasizes the responsibility of manufacturers and suppliers for their participation in quality assurance of food supply. EU regulations are among the strictest in the world.


traditional products; food safety policy; quality assurance.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Simona Alice Man, Ioan Csosz, Simona Cristina Constantinescu

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
(former ISSN 1453-1410, E-ISSN 2069-2307)

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Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara
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