Ioana Cristina Țîrlea, Ana Gina Armaș, Daniela Vălușescu, Loredana Văduva, Cornelia Petroman


The distinction between intensive versus extensive system is based on the functional and spatial relationships between production efficiency, market orientation, cultural practices and management of resource use. The two production systems cannot co-exist because the extensive ones use low inputs, are small-scale, subsistence and mixed, vegetable and animal production. We have identified in the researched area the following extensive systems for obtaining additional swine meat for self-consumption and for the market, which ensures the well-being of animals, these being agro-pastoral and pastoral systems, mixed crop-livestock systems, organic ecological systems and systems of small farmers who produce only for self-consumption. Ensuring the minimum conditions of well-being and biosecurity of farms can contribute to obtaining good meat productions at low cost and efficient use of pasture resources.


swine; production systems; pasture; meat

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Copyright (c) 2024 Ioana Cristina Țîrlea, Ana Gina Armaș, Daniela Vălușescu, Loredana Văduva, Cornelia Petroman

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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