Ionuț Bogdan Alexandru Isdrariu, Mihaela Tărtăreanu, Daniela Vălușescu, Loredana Văduva, Ioan Petroman


The control of social, physical, zootechnical, herd management, technological and productive factors highlight the power of farms to choose the most efficient system of raising sheep according to the existing resources in the exploitation area. The family production system represents still the primary sheep production system, characterized by being highly dependent on natural resources and susceptible to seasonal variations. The emerging production system is expanding more and more in the resource areas and may represent the future of sheep farms because the traditional system can intensify its management and migrate to the emerging system in the future. It is recommended to direct public policies to encourage efficient succession of workers in the sheep sector, adoption of technologies and training of know-how professionals. In the choice of sheep exploitation systems according to resources, a major issue in addition to the natural resources of food for sheep must be given to the degree of qualification of the human resource which must be a permanent concern for breeders. The establishment of alternative semi-intensive or intensive farms of sheep is suitable in all farming areas where better grazing on artificial pastures can be ensured and agricultural and agro-industrial by-products are available in large quantities for feeding sheep.


sheep; production systems; resources

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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