This paper introduces a new trend in tourism-experiential/immersion tourism/travel. Rooting itself in experiential learning, it has close ties with experience economy, services economy, and experiential marketing, and has already produced an offspring-experiential virtuality. The paper investigates the main features of this type of tourism-activity-based travel, culinary travel, and cultural exploration experiences-which relate it to other types of tourism: authentic tourism, creative tourism, and transformative tourism. The paper also presents new concepts such as immersion in the local culture and way of life, tourist experience, experiential tourism descriptors, and standards for experiential tourism.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Cornelia Petroman, Iasmina Iosim, Loredana Văduva, Diana Marin, Ioan Petroman
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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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