Garofita Ilieș, Iulia Muresan, Felix Arion


Entrepreneurship education has been considered one of the key instruments to increase the entrepreneurial attitudes of both potential and nascent entrepreneurs. The objective of the study was to analyze the entrepreneurial intentions among residents of Romania. A survey was conducted and in the end a total number of 582 questionnaires were validated. The results revealed the influence of the economic, social, psychological and motivational factors on the intentions and behaviour of respondents towards entrepreneurship. A comparative analysis between female and male respondents revealed that male tend to have more initiative in terms of entrepreneurship and to be more confident in their abilities. However female tend to be more organized and available to endure vacation deprivation, to have less spare time in order to become entrepreneur. The respondents under 30 years tends to agree less that being an entrepreneur implies more advantages than disadvantages and being an entrepreneur would bring them a lot of satisfaction.


entrepnreuship; gender gap; age; education

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Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara
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