Accessible tourism defines concepts such as disability, person with disabilities, accessible tourism for all, disability discrimination, reasonable accommodation and universal design and is defined as a form of tourism that involves a process of collaboration between stakeholders that allows people with disabilities access, to operate independently, equitably and with dignity by providing products, services and tourist environments with universal design. Accessible tourism for all can be developed on the basis of public-private partnerships and good management practices through international cooperation actions, training of human resources, use of heritage in practicing this form of tourism and improving accessibility to destinations by diversifying transport systems. The form of classic tourism has a future for those who dream of another world and hopes to have other opportunities by improving the accessibility of facilities, adapting means of transport, diversifying attractions and destinations.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Loredana Văduva, Cornelia Petroman, Diana Marin, Ioan Petroman

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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