Cornelia Petroman, Tiberiu Iancu, Diana Marin, Loredana Vaduva, Ioan Petroman


Isolation problems, due to the pandemic, have managed to rehabilitate the virtual domain, after in the literature from various fields, the virtual was accused of all bad things, lack of direct contact in virtual academic communication, difficulty communicating in virtual teams, addiction of youth by virtual and the falsity of friendships, the major risks of virtual communication, manipulation in communication or even feelings of sadness, melancholy and virtual depression. Recommended solutions for an easier isolation at home such as listening to radio programs, exercise, cooking, hobbies Games, games, reading, working in the garden, crocheting, individual study, watching movies and TV programs can also be added to virtual tourism, because the computerization process is present in organizations and tourist destinations. In order to reduce the isolation impediment, are necessary new marketing management practices, home shopping, teleworking, tele-entertainment, distance learning and telebanking. In this way, consumers of any kind and those of virtual tourism will live in smart homes and will be served by virtual enterprises or virtual travel agencies through interactive communication, not having to travel to a certain place. By using information technology, the players on the tourism market must improve their connectivity by integrating horizontally, vertically and diagonally, and they must improve their virtuality.


pandemic, virtuality; virtual tourism; interactive communication

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