Văduva Loredana, Cornelia Petroman, Tabita Adamov, Diana Marin, Ioan Petroman


Adventure tourism is considered to be that form of tourism which involves traveling in isolated, dangerous faraway places, in order to participate in physically difficult activities, carried out in nature. This form of tourism overlaps with sports tourism, because some specific activities are also sports at the same time. The activities specific to adventure tourism, depending on the environment in which they are practiced, land, water, air, generate many subtypes of adventure tourism. Practicing adventure tourism has many advantages for tourists, as it helps build confidence and motivation, making them take risks, coming into contact with nature, removing frustration, stress and monotonous life. The disadvantages of its practice are that the activities specific to this form of tourism can be traumatic, can cause concern in the families of adventure tourists, can create problems with the law for destruction or violation of property and financially tools and equipment require high costs.


adventure tourism; sub-types; motivation; advantages; disadvantages

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Copyright (c) 2020 Văduva Loredana, Cornelia Petroman, Tabita Adamov, Diana Marin, Ioan Petroman

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara
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