Loredana Văduva, Cornelia Petroman, Tabita Adamov, Diana Marin, Ioan Petroman


Rural tourist destinations know a multitude of forms and can say that there are as many destinations as many rural tourism types are, tourists being attracted by the natural and anthropic resources, climate, accommodation, the cost of visiting, local culture, events, facilities for carrying out specific activities at farms or businesses and not least the rural landscape. The popularity and attractiveness of rural tourist destinations can be affected by the accessibility in rural area, the cost of visiting some rural destinations, the availability of the attractions, the way of promotion and the management of the destination. The choice of a rural tourist destination must also be made according to the availability of the means of transport and their implications, the cost, time and services of the trip, the safety and security of the trip, the sustainable policies implemented in the area with rural tourism vocation.


factors; popularity; rural tourism

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Copyright (c) 2019 Loredana Văduva, Cornelia Petroman, Tabita Adamov, Diana Marin, Ioan Petroman

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara
Faculty of Management and Rural Tourism
300645, Timisoara, Calea Aradului 119, Romania

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