Cornelia Petroman, Goran Panici, Gheorghe Danciu, Amelia Mirea, Ioan Brad, Loredana Văduva, Ioan Petroman


The food administration way has effects on its capitalization, the farm management having to adopt a certain behavior in ensuring the pigs need to achieve the planned performances in terms of maximum efficiency. The exploitation system, the density of the animals from the box, the microclimate/temperature can affect the quality of the carcass and the pork meet, because when the microclimate conditions are not ensured at the optimum parameters, adaptive stress occurs, with effects on production performance. Fattening pigs exploited in shelters with controlled temperatures achieve an average daily increase of 750,52 ± 2,20 grams with a consumption of 2,97 ± 0,41 kg of feed per kilogram of growth in weight. The differences were statistically significant p≤0.05 between the two lots, exploited at different temperatures, but the differences were not statistically significant for the specific consumption at a significance threshold of p≥0.05.


fatty pigs; intensive system; temperature; consumption

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Copyright (c) 2019 Cornelia Petroman, Goran Panici, Gheorghe Danciu, Amelia Mirea, Ioan Brad, Loredana Văduva, Ioan Petroman

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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