The Experiences of the Transforming Extension Training in Hungary
Starting in 2014, the legislation pertaining to agricultural extension has undergone significant changes in Hungary. The Minister for Agriculture and the Minister heading the Prime Minister's Office issued a joint decree on agricultural and rural development extension activities.
The decree lays greater emphases on the existence of advisory competence and on acquiring the necessary knowledge and advisory skills. Within the meaning of the new decree, an advisor has to participate in basic training within one year of commencing agricultural extension activities and also has to pass a basic examination.
In 2016, 230 newly registered advisors participated in compulsory basic training. The training was held in small groups.
Our case study also wishes to provide an answer to how the training system that has been developed as a result of the measures implemented by the decree has changed the attitude of new advisors and the effectiveness of the work they perform.
The applied training method concentrated on the participant’s learning: it resulted in experience-based learning built on a foundation of structured practices, which included having the members of the training group solve tasks and situation exercises, which allowed them to determine the method, quality, and pace of learning. The light, playful mood ensured that participants showed their embedded behavioural patterns, which gave the group a chance to familiarise themselves with those and analyse them. The learning process was motivated and supported by an atmosphere based on trust and helping others.
The feedback provided by the experiences and participants also confirm that the applied training method has proven to be very effective as regards the energy input and the achieved results. During the two-day training, participants underwent significant development regarding their self-knowledge, communication abilities, and cooperation skills.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Borz Denisa Alexandra, Monica Ocnean, KRISZTINA TOTH
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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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