Dan Virtosu, Eugen Zoican, Loredana Vaduva, Diana Marin, Cornelia Petroman, Ioan Petroman


The stress caused by weaning and loading in the transport means as well as the effort to maintain its balance is manifested by the irregular social interaction and the physical tiredness. The inability of animals to deal with stress requires greater attention to their behavior. It has been demonstrated that a high density of animals during transport results in a lesser frequency of these interactions, which also means an obvious benefit for the producers. Cattle grown and exploited in small spaces are exposed to a wide range of stress factors, forming abnormal behaviors such as straddling syndrome, non-adjusting diets, and failure to adapt to extreme temperatures. The degree of incidence of stinging syndrome increased after the implementation of bull growth in enclosed areas, being an important problem because the individual can not escape and fall, loses his hair from the back. The main causes that cause this syndrome in intensive meat exploitation system are technological weaknesses, inadequate density and social interactions. It is necessary to improve the welfare of cattle by removing abnormal behaviors, by implementing the best management practices of fattening


cattle; environmental factors; behavior

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Copyright (c) 2019 Dan Virtosu, Eugen Zoican, Loredana Vaduva, Diana Marin, Cornelia Petroman, Ioan Petroman

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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