Diana Nicoleta Raba, Camelia Moldovan, Delia Gabriela Dumbrava, Viorica Mirela Popa, Simona Maria Axinia, Elena Claudia Sirbulescu, Luminţa Cornelia Pirvulescu


Tenderizing meat is a process by which changes its texture to be more easily consumed. Tenderization agent is very important in estimating meat quality, along with taste and juicy.The paper presents a study on the influence of bruising agents on the sensory and nutritional profile of pig meat. In this regard, it was used fresh pork boneless shoulder and tenderness agents: salt brine 7% solution, soy sauce, cider and apple juice. After analyzing sensory highest score earned him sample tender meat with soy sauce, and from the nutritional point of view were obtained similar values were not significantly influenced by the tender itself.


tenderizing meat; sensory profile; nutritional profile; brine solution; cider; apple juice

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Copyright (c) 2018 Luminita Pirvulescu, Camelia Moldovan, Diana Raba, Delia Gabriela Dumbrava, Viorica Mirela Popa, Simona Maria Axinia, Elena Claudia Sirbulescu

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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