Ioana Camelia Chebeleu, Monica Angelica Dodu, Ramona Vasilica Bacter, Alina Emilia Gherdan, Mircea Chebeleu


Sustainable development is the desire to achieve a balance, a synthesis between the aspirations of the free-born citizen, the society on which it depends and by which it is defined and the context that allows self-realization. This balance starts with man, a central actor who seeks an individual balance and favorable conditions to achieve it. Favorable conditions are influenced by the society that must support and motivate it and by the environment through which it finds itself and can find its balance. The role of the state in the context of sustainable development is to help achieve this balance, not only for the citizens of today, but also for future generations. The essential pillars underlying the concept of sustainable development relate to the economic environment, the social environment and the protection of the environment. The activities included in this concept refer to agriculture, industry, innovation, infrastructure, business environment, nutrition, health and well-being, education and partnerships to achieve goals. All of these being closely related and connected to each other in order to achieve the objectives that support sustainable development.


sustainable development; legislation; strategy; objectives; national program

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ISSN print 1453-1410
ISSN online 2069-2307
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Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara
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